22 January 2025

Banstead Prep School Recognised for ‘significant strength’ in Exceptional ISI Inspection Report

Inspectors’ report describes the school as “a community of happy, confident and mutually respectful young people”

Children and staff at Banstead Prep School are celebrating after the school was recognised for its ‘significant strength’ following an inspection from ISI in November last year. This was the school’s first inspection under the new inspection framework.

In their report, inspectors attributed the children’s progress to the school’s “focus on supporting them to develop the right habits and attitudes to learn successfully such as adaptability, collaboration, curiosity, independence, leadership and resilience” and that “progress and achievements are enhanced by their use of these characteristics when they work individually and in groups”, which they judged to be a significant strength.

Inspectors likewise observed strong academic achievement, noting that “teachers are ambitious for pupils to achieve” and that children “make good progress and attain highly in comparison to national expectations.” Significantly, the inspection team noted that pupils “leave Banstead well prepared for the subsequent stages of their education.”

Alongside commenting on the school’s strong academic provision, the inspection team praised Banstead Prep’s diverse and inclusive community, noting that “the school’s philosophy recognises the value of diversity and the individuality of everyone” and the “atmosphere of mutual respect.”

Importantly, pupils across all year groups are said to be given wide-ranging opportunities to develop their leadership skills, including through an “active and dynamic pupil parliament” and make positive contributions to their school and wider community.

Jon Chesworth, Headteacher at Banstead Prep School, said:

“We are exceptionally proud to receive this outcome which sets Banstead Prep apart from other schools in the local area and places us in the top 10% of ISI inspected schools. This truly outstanding report is a wonderful reflection of the hard work of our brilliant staff, the amazing progress of our children and the incredible support of our parent community.” The full report can be downloaded from the school website bansteadprep.com. Banstead Prep School welcomes visitors on personal tours by appointment or at the next Open Morning on Thursday 27 February.

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