United Learning seeks to improve the life chances of all the children we serve and make it our mission to bring out ‘the best in everyone’. For over 150 years we have set out to provide an excellent education with the highest expectations in all areas of school life. United Learning schools are truly inclusive, welcoming children of all backgrounds, all faiths and none, all abilities and giving tens of thousands of children across the length and breadth of England an inspiring education.
As a group, we can offer more to both children and adults than any single school could offer alone. We are ambitious for every child and every adult. We recognise the importance of each school having the autonomy to develop its own unique character and ethos, while celebrating the common values and principles which enable us to learn from each other. We share a sense of moral purpose and a commitment to doing what is right for children. We want all children in our schools to meet passionate teachers who will enable them to learn, develop and thrive.
Darran has a wide range of achievements in education, including…
Darran Ellison-Lee
Director of Primary Education
Darran has a wide range of achievements in education, including Headteacher at both Primary and Secondary phases as well as in special education. Darran was a National Leader of Education, leading one of the first national teaching schools and a federation of primary schools in the North of England. The teaching school under his leadership provided a wide range of school improvement work and was one of the first schools providing initial teacher training.
Darran has overseen growth to over 40 primary academies and nurseries. Darran’s leadership of improvement work has secured enhanced quality of teaching, resulting in schools moving from Special Measures to Good and outstanding, at times requiring him to step in as Executive Head or acting Principal to support.
Darran is Director with responsibility for the Trust’s support, challenge and accountability on safeguarding, ensuring that United Learning meets statutory requirements and that safeguarding processes across the Group are robust and effective.
Matthew joined United Learning in November 2016. In his previous roles, Matthew served as a…
Matthew Wynne
Primary Regional Director (Midlands)
Matthew joined United Learning in November 2016. In his previous roles, Matthew served as a Primary Headteacher for nearly ten years. During this period, he led schools that were in an Ofsted Category, ensuring a rapid and focused improvement in all areas.
Prior to his appointment as a Headteacher, Matthew worked as a Deputy Head, leading Assessment, Behaviour and Curriculum.
Matthew started teaching in 1993. All of his teaching and leadership experience have been within areas of social and economic challenge, ensuring his focus has always been upon improving life chances and educational progress for all groups of pupils.
Claire has enjoyed an extensive and varied career working in schools, starting in 1988, and…
Claire Fortey
Primary Regional Director (South)
Claire has enjoyed an extensive and varied career working in schools, starting in 1988, and leading on to subsequent success in primary teaching, subject and senior leadership. As part of this, she has had over 20 years’ experience of headship which included taking a school to Outstanding and leading a school out of Special Measures.
Claire is a Local Leader of Education, has been an Inspector for Ofsted for a number of years, and has worked as a school improvement partner providing wide-ranging support for schools in challenging contexts. She joined United Learning following 3 years in the role of Director of Education for a large multi-academy trust in Cornwall.
Karen joined United Learning in September 2022. She started teaching in 2004 and has had a…
Karen Matthews
Primary Regional Director (London)
Karen joined United Learning in September 2022. She started teaching in 2004 and has had a successful career in education as a primary teacher, deputy headteacher and headteacher. This experience includes working in maintained schools, MATs and schools in challenging contexts and areas of high depravation.
Karen is a lead Ofsted Inspector with experience of inspecting schools in all remits. Karen has also worked as a lead adviser for an inner London local authority supporting primary headteachers.
Inspector’s report notes that pupils achieve “exceptionally well” with inspector also impressed by school’s work in wider community.
Ofsted praises school as a “happy and exciting” place to learn.
Pupils said to “love coming to this highly inclusive school”.
United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.
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